Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Identity Crisis: Let's take a drive!

This weekend, our family ventured out to a remnant commissary and military exchange near Indianapolis. Fort Benjamin Harrison was closed during the 1991 base realignments, but still has a military presence in the area with DFAS, Army Reserve and National Guard Units, MEPS, American Legion Membership HQ and VFW IN HQ all located at or near the former post. The surrounding property has been redeveloped into a state park, golf course and residential neighborhoods.  You can even rent officer's quarters for the weekend.

Why did we drive over an hour to go to a small commissary and exchange when you can get similar items five minutes away?  Because "our kind" is there.  I can't explain it, other than we feel like we are among friends. I admit that I feel a certain sense of pride in flashing my military ID, which my civilian counterparts don't understand.

Whether I like it or not, the military lifestyle is part of my identity.  So many newly retired families try to assimilate to their new community immediately wanting nothing to do with "that life".  That is what we are trained to do:  adapt and overcome, but I urge you not to simply dismiss your military days...they made you who you are.

Was it a magical shopping experience with tons of military personnel on a fabulous installation?  No, but that wasn't the point.  As my oldest daughter stated:  I just feel at home.

“From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers"
William Shakespeare

Harrison Village PX

Harrison Village Commissary

Former Ft. Benjamin Harrison Officers Club

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